Choosing the Right Roast for You

Choosing the Right Roast for You

Light Roasts

Light roast coffee is characterized by its light brown color and its mild flavor profile. When brewed, it typically produces a light-bodied and smooth cup of coffee with a slightly acidic and bright taste. The acidity of light roast coffee is often described as lively and tangy, with fruity or floral notes.
Light roast coffee often has a higher acidity and a lower bitterness compared to darker roasts, which makes it a great choice for those who prefer a milder taste. The beans used for light roast coffee are generally roasted for a shorter period of time, which allows their natural flavors and aromas to shine through.
The taste of light roast coffee can vary depending on the origin of the beans, but it typically features flavors such as citrus, berries, nuts, and chocolate. Some light roasts may have a slightly sweet or caramel-like flavor as well.
Overall, light roast coffee is a great option for those who enjoy a bright, flavorful cup of coffee with a mild taste and a pleasant acidity. It's a great way to taste the unique characteristics of the coffee bean and the terroir it was grown in.  We recommend our Blonde Roast if you think light roasts are for you!

Medium Roast

Medium roast coffee typically has a balanced flavor profile that falls somewhere between the more mellow flavors of light roast coffee and the bolder flavors of dark roast coffee. The beans are roasted to a medium-brown color, which allows their natural characteristics to shine through while also developing some roastiness.
In terms of taste, medium roast coffee can have notes of chocolate, nuttiness, and caramel, as well as a slight acidity and fruitiness. The acidity is usually not too strong, which makes it a good choice for those who find light roasts too bright or dark roasts too bitter. The body of medium roast coffee is often medium to full, which gives it a pleasant mouthfeel.
Overall, medium roast coffee is a popular choice for many coffee drinkers because it strikes a good balance between flavor and roastiness, and can be enjoyed both black and with milk or cream. We recommend our American Brass blend, aged in whiskey barrels, if you are interested in trying a well balanced medium roast!
American Brass - Whiskey Barrel Aged

Dark Roast

Dark roast coffee typically has a bold and intense flavor profile, with a rich and deep taste that is the result of the longer roasting process. The beans are roasted to a dark-brown color, which results in a greater degree of caramelization and the development of more complex, roasted flavors.
In terms of taste, dark roast coffee can have notes of chocolate, caramel, and even a smoky or burnt taste. It is common for dark roast coffee to have a lower acidity than lighter roasts, which can make it seem less bright and more heavy-bodied. The body of dark roast coffee is often full and robust, with a lingering aftertaste that can be described as somewhat bitter.
Overall, dark roast coffee is a popular choice for those who prefer a more intense and full-bodied coffee experience. It is often enjoyed with milk or cream to balance out the strong flavor, but can also be enjoyed black for those who appreciate the boldness of the coffee. Some coffee drinkers also prefer dark roast coffee for its perceived health benefits, as it is thought to contain more antioxidants than lighter roasts. Our "Six Shooter" 6 Bean Blend is perfect for anyone looking to try a dark roast!
Six Shooter - Six Bean Blend
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